Recommend API (1.0.0)
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
The Recommend API lets you generate recommendations with several AI models.
Note: You should use Algolia's libraries and tools to interact with the Recommend API. Using the HTTP endpoints directly is not covered by the SLA.
Get recommendations and trending items
Returns results from either recommendation or trending models:
- Recommendations are provided by the Related Products and Frequently Bought Together models
- Trending models are Trending Items and Trending Facet Values.
Request Body schema: application/json
required | Array of baseTrendingItemsQuery (object) or baseTrendingFacetsQuery (object) or baseRecommendationsQuery (object) (recommendationsRequest) Request parameters depend on the model (recommendations or trending). | ||||||||||||||||
Array One of
Request samples
- Payload
{- "requests": [
- {
- "facetName": "string",
- "facetValue": "string",
- "model": "trending-items",
- "queryParameters": {
- "query": "",
- "similarQuery": "",
- "filters": "(category:Book OR category:Ebook) AND _tags:published",
- "facetFilters": [
- "category:Book",
- "author:John Doe"
], - "optionalFilters": [
- "category:Book",
- "author:John Doe"
], - "numericFilters": [
- [
- "inStock = 1",
- "deliveryDate < 1441755506"
], - "price < 1000"
], - "tagFilters": [
- [
- "Book",
- "Movie"
], - "SciFi"
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- "title",
- "author"
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- "offset": 0,
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- "minimumAroundRadius": 1,
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- "personalizationImpact": 100,
- "userToken": "123456",
- "getRankingInfo": false,
- "explain": [ ],
- "synonyms": true,
- "clickAnalytics": false,
- "analytics": true,
- "analyticsTags": [ ],
- "percentileComputation": true,
- "enableABTest": true,
- "attributesForFaceting": [
- "author",
- "filterOnly(isbn)",
- "searchable(edition)",
- "afterDistinct(category)",
- "afterDistinct(searchable(publisher))"
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- "author",
- "title",
- "content"
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- "proximity",
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], - "customRanking": [
- "desc(popularity)",
- "asc(price)"
], - "relevancyStrictness": 90,
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- "author",
- "title",
- "content"
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- "sku"
], - "ignorePlurals": [
- "ca",
- "es"
], - "removeStopWords": [
- "ca",
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- "queryLanguages": [
- "es"
], - "decompoundQuery": true,
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- "enablePersonalization": false,
- "queryType": "prefixLast",
- "removeWordsIfNoResults": "firstWords",
- "mode": "neuralSearch",
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- "eventSources": [
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}, - "advancedSyntax": false,
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- "blue",
- "iphone case"
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- "description"
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- "alternativesAsExact": [
- "ignorePlurals",
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- "renderingContent": {
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- "string"
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- "query": "",
- "similarQuery": "",
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- "facetFilters": [
- "category:Book",
- "author:John Doe"
], - "optionalFilters": [
- "category:Book",
- "author:John Doe"
], - "numericFilters": [
- [
- "inStock = 1",
- "deliveryDate < 1441755506"
], - "price < 1000"
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- "Book",
- "Movie"
], - "SciFi"
], - "sumOrFiltersScores": false,
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- "title",
- "author"
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- "facetingAfterDistinct": false,
- "page": 0,
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- "minimumAroundRadius": 1,
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- 4.6181640625
], - "naturalLanguages": [ ],
- "ruleContexts": [ ],
- "personalizationImpact": 100,
- "userToken": "123456",
- "getRankingInfo": false,
- "explain": [ ],
- "synonyms": true,
- "clickAnalytics": false,
- "analytics": true,
- "analyticsTags": [ ],
- "percentileComputation": true,
- "enableABTest": true,
- "attributesForFaceting": [
- "author",
- "filterOnly(isbn)",
- "searchable(edition)",
- "afterDistinct(category)",
- "afterDistinct(searchable(publisher))"
], - "attributesToRetrieve": [
- "author",
- "title",
- "content"
], - "ranking": [
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- "exact",
- "custom"
], - "customRanking": [
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- "asc(price)"
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- "author",
- "title",
- "content"
], - "attributesToSnippet": [
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- "sku"
], - "ignorePlurals": [
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- "es"
], - "removeStopWords": [
- "ca",
- "es"
], - "keepDiacriticsOnCharacters": "øé",
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- "es"
], - "decompoundQuery": true,
- "enableRules": true,
- "enablePersonalization": false,
- "queryType": "prefixLast",
- "removeWordsIfNoResults": "firstWords",
- "mode": "neuralSearch",
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- "eventSources": [
- "string"
}, - "advancedSyntax": false,
- "optionalWords": [
- "blue",
- "iphone case"
], - "disableExactOnAttributes": [
- "description"
], - "exactOnSingleWordQuery": "attribute",
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- "ignorePlurals",
- "singleWordSynonym"
], - "advancedSyntaxFeatures": [
- "exactPhrase",
- "excludeWords"
], - "distinct": 1,
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- "minProximity": 1,
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- "sortFacetValuesBy": "count",
- "attributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity": false,
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], - "sortRemainingBy": "count"
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}, - "enableReRanking": true,
- "reRankingApplyFilter": [
- [
- "string"
}, - "indexName": "products",
- "threshold": 100,
- "maxRecommendations": 0
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 402
- 403
- 404
{- "results": [
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- "tech": 42
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- "succeed": true,
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- "ruleObjectID": "string"
}, - "parsedQuery": "george clo",
- "processingTimeMS": 20,
- "queryAfterRemoval": "string",
- "serverUsed": "",
- "userData": {
- "settingID": "f2a7b51e3503acc6a39b3784ffb84300",
- "pluginVersion": "1.6.0"
}, - "renderingContent": {
- "facetOrdering": {
- "facets": {
- "order": [
- "string"
}, - "values": {
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- "order": [
- "string"
], - "sortRemainingBy": "count"
}, - "property2": {
- "order": [
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], - "sortRemainingBy": "count"
}, - "hits": [
- {
- "objectID": "product-1",
- "_highlightResult": {
- "property1": {
- "value": "<em>George</em> <em>Clo</em>oney",
- "matchLevel": "none",
- "matchedWords": [
- "action"
], - "fullyHighlighted": true
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- "value": "<em>George</em> <em>Clo</em>oney",
- "matchLevel": "none",
- "matchedWords": [
- "action"
], - "fullyHighlighted": true
}, - "_snippetResult": {
- "property1": {
- "value": "<em>George</em> <em>Clo</em>oney",
- "matchLevel": "none"
}, - "property2": {
- "value": "<em>George</em> <em>Clo</em>oney",
- "matchLevel": "none"
}, - "_rankingInfo": {
- "filters": 0,
- "firstMatchedWord": 0,
- "geoDistance": 0,
- "geoPrecision": 0,
- "matchedGeoLocation": {
- "lat": 0,
- "lng": 0,
- "distance": 0
}, - "personalization": {
- "filtersScore": 0,
- "rankingScore": 0,
- "score": 0
}, - "nbExactWords": 0,
- "nbTypos": 0,
- "promoted": true,
- "proximityDistance": 0,
- "userScore": 0,
- "words": 0,
- "promotedByReRanking": true
}, - "_distinctSeqID": 0,
- "_score": 100
], - "query": "",
- "params": "query=a&hitsPerPage=20"
Get a Recommend rule
Return a Recommend rule.
path Parameters
indexName required | string Example: myIndexName Index on which to perform the request. |
model required | string (recommendModels) Enum: "related-products" "bought-together" "trending-facets" "trending-items" |
objectID required | string Example: 123 Unique record (object) identifier. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 402
- 403
- 404
{- "_metadata": {
- "lastUpdate": "2023-07-04T12:49:15Z"
}, - "objectID": "hide-12345",
- "conditions": [
- {
- "pattern": "{facet:brand}",
- "anchoring": "is",
- "alternatives": false,
- "context": "trackedFilters"
], - "consequence": {
- "params": {
- "similarQuery": "",
- "filters": "(category:Book OR category:Ebook) AND _tags:published",
- "facetFilters": [
- "category:Book",
- "author:John Doe"
], - "optionalFilters": [
- "category:Book",
- "author:John Doe"
], - "numericFilters": [
- [
- "inStock = 1",
- "deliveryDate < 1441755506"
], - "price < 1000"
], - "tagFilters": [
- [
- "Book",
- "Movie"
], - "SciFi"
], - "sumOrFiltersScores": false,
- "restrictSearchableAttributes": [
- "title",
- "author"
], - "facets": [ ],
- "facetingAfterDistinct": false,
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- "minimumAroundRadius": 1,
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- 1.009765625
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- 46.650828100116044,
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- 4.6181640625
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- "ruleContexts": [ ],
- "personalizationImpact": 100,
- "userToken": "123456",
- "getRankingInfo": false,
- "explain": [ ],
- "synonyms": true,
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- "analytics": true,
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- "searchable(edition)",
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- "afterDistinct(searchable(publisher))"
], - "attributesToRetrieve": [
- "author",
- "title",
- "content"
], - "ranking": [
- "typo",
- "geo",
- "words",
- "filters",
- "proximity",
- "attribute",
- "exact",
- "custom"
], - "customRanking": [
- "desc(popularity)",
- "asc(price)"
], - "relevancyStrictness": 90,
- "attributesToHighlight": [
- "author",
- "title",
- "content"
], - "attributesToSnippet": [
- "content:80",
- "description"
], - "highlightPreTag": "<em>",
- "highlightPostTag": "</em>",
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- "restrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays": false,
- "hitsPerPage": 20,
- "minWordSizefor1Typo": 4,
- "minWordSizefor2Typos": 8,
- "typoTolerance": true,
- "allowTyposOnNumericTokens": true,
- "disableTypoToleranceOnAttributes": [
- "sku"
], - "ignorePlurals": [
- "ca",
- "es"
], - "removeStopWords": [
- "ca",
- "es"
], - "keepDiacriticsOnCharacters": "øé",
- "queryLanguages": [
- "es"
], - "decompoundQuery": true,
- "enableRules": true,
- "enablePersonalization": false,
- "queryType": "prefixLast",
- "removeWordsIfNoResults": "firstWords",
- "mode": "neuralSearch",
- "semanticSearch": {
- "eventSources": [
- "string"
}, - "advancedSyntax": false,
- "optionalWords": [
- "blue",
- "iphone case"
], - "disableExactOnAttributes": [
- "description"
], - "exactOnSingleWordQuery": "attribute",
- "alternativesAsExact": [
- "ignorePlurals",
- "singleWordSynonym"
], - "advancedSyntaxFeatures": [
- "exactPhrase",
- "excludeWords"
], - "distinct": 1,
- "attributeForDistinct": "url",
- "replaceSynonymsInHighlight": false,
- "minProximity": 1,
- "responseFields": [ ],
- "maxFacetHits": 10,
- "maxValuesPerFacet": 100,
- "sortFacetValuesBy": "count",
- "attributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity": false,
- "renderingContent": {
- "facetOrdering": {
- "facets": {
- "order": [
- "string"
}, - "values": {
- "property1": {
- "order": [
- "string"
], - "sortRemainingBy": "count"
}, - "property2": {
- "order": [
- "string"
], - "sortRemainingBy": "count"
}, - "enableReRanking": true,
- "reRankingApplyFilter": [
- [
- "string"
], - "query": {
- "remove": [
- "string"
], - "edits": [
- {
- "type": "remove",
- "delete": "string",
- "insert": "string"
}, - "automaticFacetFilters": [
- {
- "facet": "string",
- "score": 1,
- "disjunctive": false
], - "automaticOptionalFacetFilters": [
- {
- "facet": "string",
- "score": 1,
- "disjunctive": false
}, - "promote": [
- {
- "objectIDs": [
- "3f31c087763a2ceec359b318fc3edef3",
- "63c3c871e31a152d67df7720192fd752"
], - "position": 0
], - "filterPromotes": false,
- "hide": [
- {
- "objectID": "product-1"
], - "userData": {
- "settingID": "f2a7b51e3503acc6a39b3784ffb84300",
- "pluginVersion": "1.6.0"
}, - "description": "Display a promotional banner",
- "enabled": true
Delete a Recommend rule
Delete a Recommend rule.
path Parameters
indexName required | string Example: myIndexName Index on which to perform the request. |
model required | string (recommendModels) Enum: "related-products" "bought-together" "trending-facets" "trending-items" |
objectID required | string Example: 123 Unique record (object) identifier. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 402
- 403
- 404
{- "taskID": 1514562690001,
- "deletedAt": "2023-06-27T14:42:38.831Z"
Get a Recommend task's status
Some operations, such as deleting a Recommend rule, will respond with a taskID
value. Use this value here to check the status of that task.
path Parameters
indexName required | string Example: myIndexName Index on which to perform the request. |
model required | string (recommendModels) Enum: "related-products" "bought-together" "trending-facets" "trending-items" |
taskID required | integer <int64> Example: 13235 Unique identifier of a task. Numeric value (up to 64bits). |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 402
- 403
- 404
{- "status": "published"
List Recommend rules
List Recommend rules.
path Parameters
indexName required | string Example: myIndexName Index on which to perform the request. |
model required | string (recommendModels) Enum: "related-products" "bought-together" "trending-facets" "trending-items" |
Request Body schema: application/json
query | string (parameters_query) Default: "" Full-text query. |
context | string Restricts responses to the specified contextual rule. |
page | integer (parameters_page) >= 0 Requested page (the first page is page 0). |
hitsPerPage | integer (parameters_hitsPerPage) [ 1 .. 1000 ] Default: 20 Maximum number of hits per page. |
enabled | boolean or null Default: null Restricts responses to enabled rules. When absent (default), all rules are retrieved. |
requestOptions | Array of objects Request options to send with the API call. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "query": "",
- "context": "mobile",
- "page": 0,
- "hitsPerPage": 20,
- "enabled": null,
- "requestOptions": "{timeouts:{read:20}}\n"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 402
- 403
- 404
{- "hits": [
- {
- "_metadata": {
- "lastUpdate": "2023-07-04T12:49:15Z"
}, - "objectID": "hide-12345",
- "conditions": [
- {
- "pattern": "{facet:brand}",
- "anchoring": "is",
- "alternatives": false,
- "context": "trackedFilters"
], - "consequence": {
- "params": {
- "similarQuery": "",
- "filters": "(category:Book OR category:Ebook) AND _tags:published",
- "facetFilters": [
- "category:Book",
- "author:John Doe"
], - "optionalFilters": [
- "category:Book",
- "author:John Doe"
], - "numericFilters": [
- [
- "inStock = 1",
- "deliveryDate < 1441755506"
], - "price < 1000"
], - "tagFilters": [
- [
- "Book",
- "Movie"
], - "SciFi"
], - "sumOrFiltersScores": false,
- "restrictSearchableAttributes": [
- "title",
- "author"
], - "facets": [ ],
- "facetingAfterDistinct": false,
- "page": 0,
- "offset": 0,
- "length": 1,
- "aroundLatLng": "40.71,-74.01",
- "aroundLatLngViaIP": false,
- "aroundRadius": 1,
- "aroundPrecision": 10,
- "minimumAroundRadius": 1,
- "insideBoundingBox": [
- 46.650828100116044,
- 7.123046875,
- 45.17210966999772,
- 1.009765625
], - "insidePolygon": [
- 46.650828100116044,
- 7.123046875,
- 45.17210966999772,
- 1.009765625,
- 49.62625916704081,
- 4.6181640625
], - "naturalLanguages": [ ],
- "ruleContexts": [ ],
- "personalizationImpact": 100,
- "userToken": "123456",
- "getRankingInfo": false,
- "explain": [ ],
- "synonyms": true,
- "clickAnalytics": false,
- "analytics": true,
- "analyticsTags": [ ],
- "percentileComputation": true,
- "enableABTest": true,
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- "author",
- "filterOnly(isbn)",
- "searchable(edition)",
- "afterDistinct(category)",
- "afterDistinct(searchable(publisher))"
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- "author",
- "title",
- "content"
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- "typo",
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- "proximity",
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- "exact",
- "custom"
], - "customRanking": [
- "desc(popularity)",
- "asc(price)"
], - "relevancyStrictness": 90,
- "attributesToHighlight": [
- "author",
- "title",
- "content"
], - "attributesToSnippet": [
- "content:80",
- "description"
], - "highlightPreTag": "<em>",
- "highlightPostTag": "</em>",
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- "minWordSizefor2Typos": 8,
- "typoTolerance": true,
- "allowTyposOnNumericTokens": true,
- "disableTypoToleranceOnAttributes": [
- "sku"
], - "ignorePlurals": [
- "ca",
- "es"
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